4 Ways Managers Can Foster Psychological Safety

“How can I help? What can I do.”

Disarming and welcome words my leader said to me recently.

Rarely have I found leaders willing to help people like me.

The ones who are outspoken, full of life, intense, ambitious, and unafraid to be themselves wherever they go.

As a biracial person, my personality can be a “bit too much” for a lot of people.

What I’ve typically experienced is managers trying to pour water buckets on my fire.

It comes with the intention of trying to “help me get ahead” but at the cost of sacrificing who I am.

All I know is that these questions asked to me felt amazing to hear.

I felt an immediate increase in psychology safety.

This isn’t just a brilliant buzzword stemming from Amy Edmondson’s research.

I actually felt a shift in my brain towards freedom and reduced stress.

A restored hope in the role I’m in and the company I work for.

My encouragement to leaders:

  1. Start by asking your employees if they feel limited or unlike themselves at work.

  2. If they respond “yes”, reassure them that you want their full authenticity on display at work.

  3. Ask them what you can do to make a way for them.

  4. Then let them soar, confining to stoke their fires and refusing to put them out.


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