Work Can Be a Refuge

We must not forget that for some, work is a refuge.

Whether it’s escaping domestic violence, the only time they can stop thinking about an ongoing divorce, their parent having cancer, a stressful situation with a child.

We have no clue what people are going through.

And this is why I’m so passionate about making work a place that people want to come.

To me, this means removing frustration.

It’s about creating a safe place for open dialogue about work and life.

The two are never separated in our minds.

We don’t leave home life when we get to work or vice versa.

And so it’s our responsibility as leaders to continually improve the workplace environment.

Of course, because it leads to reduced turnover, higher profit etc.

But because it’s the human thing to do.

Of course, work shouldn’t be the solution to people’s life challenges.

But if we can at least start by thinking, “Hmm what if we created an environment where work at least didn’t make someone’s life worse,” I think we’d all be thankful.


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