Please share a short bio.
I'll open the episode with something like, "Hi there, this is Tynan Allan and you're listening to the CultureING Podcast. Today, our guest is [Your Name] who _________, __________, and has an incredible amount of experience working in __________." >>> Please fill in something here I can pull from for the Podcast and also copy+paste to our website & show notes.
Is there an offer you'd like to make for the Podcast audience?
Executives, HR, People & Culture professionals are the main listeners of the CultureING podcast. So, we always give our guests a chance to showcase something. Whether it's your latest book, a discount code for your product (people typically use "CULTURE"), or just a link to your website, anything goes. We will also bring this up on the show!
Is there anything off-limits for discussion?
Don't be alarmed... we won't be diving into the locked-&-sealed files from your college days. Rather, is there any element of your career that you'd rather not talk about? Or anything about your company that is off limits? We want the interview to be fun & comfortable for you, so don't be afraid to let us know of anything you'd feel uncomfortable talking about.
Podcast Guest Release
I, the above named Guest, does hereby consent to the recording and distribution of reproduction(s) of the Guest's voice and performance as part of the media program entitled “The CultureING Podcast” (herein referred to as the "Program"). This is to confirm that the undersigned has agreed to be interviewed or otherwise participate in the Program, a production by CultureING and Tynan Allan Wenarchuk.
As a condition of publication/broadcast and for no monetary compensation, CultureING requests the non-exclusive worldwide rights to reproduce, distribute, and sell your oral and/or video presentation, in whole or in part, in any media, as part of this Program published under the auspices of CultureING and to license these rights to others, in perpetuity. CultureING shall have the right to edit and/or transcribe your presentation.
You also grant CultureING the right to use your name, biography and likeness in connection with the Program.
You warrant that your presentation is original with you, that publication/broadcast will not infringe on the rights of others, and that you have full power to grant this license. Should your presentation/broadcast incorporate copyrighted materials of others, you warrant that you have obtained such permission from those parties for publication/broadcast by CultureING, consistent with this Agreement.
Execution of this Agreement does not obligate CultureING to publish your presentation or other materials.
If for any reason you wish to withdraw your consent, CultureING agrees to receive communication from you and consider an amendment to this release and consent. You may contact Tynan Allan Wenarchuk at to discuss and make appropriate arrangements.
I hereby consent to the use of my oral and/or video presentation as described and agree with the provisions of this release form.
Signature (please type your full name):